Frequent Questions
1. How long will my order take to ship?
We are currently shipping orders 1-3 times per week. If you have purchased an item that is "in stock" or in the "Ready to Ship" section, your order will ship within 2-3 days of your purchase. If you have purchased a piece that is "made to order", your order will ship within 2-4 weeks. This time frame will depend on the volume of orders I am currently working on. Please remember, each piece is handmade and some take longer to make than others. Each order is worked on and prepared in order of arrival.
2. Where will my order ship from?
All orders ship from my home studio in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
3. Do you work on custom orders?
Yes! I work on custom orders every month. If you have an idea of a piece you would like for me to create especially for you, please contact me through our e-mail or message me through our social media pages with the details of what you have in mind. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Custom orders take longer to work on than regular orders and usually should be placed at least 2 months in advance.
4. What material is the jewelry made of?
All our jewelry is made in non-ferrous metals. Depending on the piece, some are made in brass, bronze, sterling silver or 14k gold. Each listing on this website will let you know specific details about the materials featured in each piece. All of the ear wires used are made in either sterling silver or surgical stainless steel (hypoallergenic).